科 技 信 息 情 报 中 心

      中国科学院成都生物研究所科技信息情报中心是该研究所的一个支撑部门,由生物科技图书馆、《应用与环境生物学报》编辑部、Asian Herpetological Research编辑部组成。其职能是以该所科技自主创新为核心,以保障信息资源、优化信息利用平台、提供学科化知识化信息服务为主要手段,为研究所的科学研究和科研管理提供有力信息支撑;主要工作职责包括组织与管理信息资源,建设相关学科领域的信息运用平台与环境,提供各种文献服务与知识服务,开展情报研究以提供决策参考,编辑出版生物科学学报,促进国内外科技交流。该中心以研究所全体职工和在学研究生为主要服务对象,同时面向中国科学院系统以及社会各界开展各类信息服务。
    该中心现编辑出版中文科技期刊《应用与环境生物学报》和英文科技期刊Asian Herpetological Research(亚洲两栖爬行动物研究)。《应用与环境生物学报》创刊于1995年,由中国科学院主管,中国科学院成都生物研究所主办,科学出版社出版,现为双月刊。该刊属国内外公开发行的全国性科技学术期刊,是我国应用生物学和环境生物学的核心刊物。在编委会和编辑部的不懈努力下,该学报在政治、学术、编印质量上不断稳步提高,其影响力、知名度和美誉度得到快速提升,并在规范化、网络化、国际化办刊方面取得了良好的进步,现已成长为中国科技核心期刊,先后荣获诸多奖励并被国内知名和国外诸多评价与检索数据库收录。Asian Herpetological Research(亚洲两栖爬行动物研究)2010年3月获得国家新闻出版总署批准创办,并于2010年9月25日面向国内外正式出版发行。该刊由中国科学院主管,中国科学院成都生物研究所第一主办,科学出版社有限公司第二主办,科学出版社出版。


Science & Technology Information Center, Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS

     Consisting of a scientific library and a journal editorial department, the Science & Technology Information Center is a research supporting division of the Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This center provides powerful information supports for the institute’s sci & tech research and management by helping to achieve innovation research projects of the institute as its key function, and by managing information resources, optimizing information service platforms, and providing disciplinary knowledge services as its main working means. The major tasks of the center include collection and management of information resources, construction of biology-related information and literature platforms, providing various literature and knowledge services, and conduction of information research for helping decision making, as well as editing and publishing scientific journals, and promoting academic exchanges in China and abroad. Besides, the center provides serves for the students at Master and Ph. D. degrees of the institute, and it also serves the scientists of the CAS and all those both in China and abroad.
     The scientific library of the center has a collection of more than 210,000 volumes (copies) of Chinese and foreign literatures, including over 40,000 volumes of Chinese books, 17,000 foreign books, 74,000 copies of Chinese journals of about 1300 sorts, 80,000 foreign journals of about 1000 sorts. Each year, it subscribes to more than 300 sorts of Chinese periodicals and 50 sorts of foreign periodicals, and it exchanges over 50 sorts of foreign periodicals with its own journals, purchases over 1,000 Chinese and foreign books annually, and buys 10 specialized and synthetical foreign literature databases. The library has been working hard for realization of digitalized collections and network management. Its website has integrated over 70 biology-related Chinese and foreign literature databases in order to meet the need of present scientific research. At the same time, it offers a variety of services, such as reader’s service, electronic literature utilization, internet delivery of literature, special literature retrieval, reports of research achievements and progresses, information utilization skill training, strategic information research, and scientific and technical literature translation. It now ranks among the best institute-level libraries of the CAS in the respects of internet delivery service of literature and digitalization of collected literature.
     The journal editorial department of the center publishes a scientific journal, Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology, and it is now applying an English journal, Asian Herpetological Research. The Chinese Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology was started in 1995. It is superintended by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Biology, CAS, and published by the Science Press. Currently, it is a bimonthly journal. As an international scientific journal distributed in China and abroad, this journal is listed a core publication in the fields of ecological environment and biology in China. Due to the unremitting efforts of its Editorial Board and the Editorial Department, this journal has been continuously and largely improved in various aspects, so its quality, popularity and reputation have been grown rapidly in recent years. Moreover, it has made great progress in its standardization, digitalization, and internationalization. As a result, it has won a lot of awards and has been included by tens of evaluation and retrieval databases in China and abroad.

中国科学院成都生物研究所 © 版权所有
Copyright © Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences